Ramey Thermal EOR laboratory is located on the 5th floor of the Richardson Building at Texas A&M College Station Campus

Viscosity and Density Measurements at varying temperature ranges

Reservoir Rock Characterization before and after any recovery processes

Solvent Steam Flooding set-up to investigate pore-scale displacement.

Solvent-Steam Processes are proposed to reduce environmental impact of steam generation by minimizing GHG emissions and reducing injected steam amount

Wettability and Residual Oil Saturation Determination

Combustion tube tests results are used to calculate the field-scale design parameters. Porosity and permeability variations can be determined with X-Ray Computed Tomography

The fluid front movement, the fluid saturations in different zones, variations in porosity and permeability, fracture formation can be determined with CT numbers

Laboratory-Scale experiments mainly aim to determine the pore-scale displacement. Volumetric-Scale (Macroscopic Displacement) in general is determined through numerical simulations. To better accuracy of numerical simulations, history matching with 3D lab or field data is necessary. We have capabilities to determine three-dimensional flow in the laboratory.

Initial Oil Samples and Produced Oil Samples can be characterized based on their SARA (Saturates, Aromatics, Resins, and Asphaltenes) fractions

We characterize asphaltenes and emulsions originated from any thermal EOR processes. We are the only laboratory measuring dielectric constant of oil components for therma EOR

Oil Field Waters are characterized and proper treatment methods are proposed based on the results.