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Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications (51 Peer-Reviewed Publications +2 Publications under review)

Academic authorship: The most active contributor is the first author and the Principal Investigator is the last author

*MS or PhD Students, **Undergraduate Students, ƚ Faculty Collaborators, ǂ Industry Collaborators 

Q1: Highest Quartile, IF: Impact Factor, SJR: SCImago Journal Rank, H: H-Index


51. Hascakir, B., Editorial: Accelerating the Energy Transition with Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Interdisciplinary Innovation, Petroleum Science and Technology, LINK.

50. Ren, B., Hascakir, B., Delshad, M., Duncan, I.J., Sepehrnoori, K., Editorial: Carbon Capture and Storage at Scale, Special Issue CCS at Scale, Fuel, LINK

49. Mathews, T.A.*, Azzu, P. *, Hascakir, B., 2024. Unlocking Sustainable Solutions: Exploring Terpene-Based Green Solvents for Enhanced Heavy Oil Recovery, Special Issue: Celebrating Women in Energy Research, Energy and Fuels, Just Accepted. LINK

48. Mathews, T.A.*, Kaishentayev, D. *, Augsburger, N. ‡, Lefers, R. ‡, Hascakir, B., 2024. Exploring Innovative Applications of Evaporative Cooling for High TDS-Produced Water Treatment, SPE Journal, SPE-214932-PA. LINK


47. Morte, M.*, Hascakir, B., Characterizing the Sensitivity of Dielectric Response in Reservoirs with Varying Lithology and Fluid Saturation, SPE Journal, 1-13, SPE-217447-PA. LINK


46. Punase, A.*, Hascakir, B., Role Of Reservoir Brine and Rock in Modulating Asphaltene Stability: Insights from Experimental Analysis, SPE Journal, SPE-217448-PA. LINK


45. Punase, A.*, Prakosa, A.*, Hascakir, B., Effect of clay minerals on asphaltene deposition in reservoir rock: Insights from experimental investigations, Fuel, Volume 351, 1 November 2023, 128835. LINK.

44. Pope, C. **, Ismail, N.*, Hascakir, B., The Role of Reservoir Fluids and Reservoir Rock Mineralogy on In-Situ Combustion Kinetics, Geoenergy Science and Engineering, Volume 224, 211516. LINK.


43. Barooah, A.*, Khan, M. S.*, Rahman, A.ƚ, Hassan, I.ƚ, Hassan, R.ƚ, Maheshwari, P.ƚ, Hascakir, B., Development of Pressure gradient correlation for slurry flow using Dimensional Analysis, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, Volume 104, August 2022, 104660. LINK.


42. Barooah, A.*, Khan, M. S.*, Rahman, A.ƚ, Hassan, I.ƚ, Hassan, R.ƚ, Maheshwari, P.ƚ, Hascakir, B., Investigation of cutting transport in horizontal/deviated annulus using visualization and pressure drop techniques for two-phase slurry flow, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, Volume 100, April 2022, 104460. LINK

41. Demir, A. B. *, Bilgesu, I. ƚ, Hascakir, B., Interaction of n-Pentane and n-Heptane Insoluble Asphaltenes in Brine with Clay and Sand, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Volume 209, February 2022, 109870. LINK


40. Seng, L. Y.*, Hascakir, B., Role of Intermolecular Forces on Surfactant-steam Performance Into Heavy Oil Reservoirs, SPE Journal, 1-6, SPE-201513-PA. LINK


39. Kar, T.*, Hascakir, B., Effect of Clay Type on Emulsion Formation in Steam and Solvent-Steam Flooding, SPE Journal, 1-11, SPE-205363-PA. LINK

38. Zhang, L.*, Hascakir, B., A Review of Issues, Characteristics, and Management for Wastewater due to Hydraulic Fracturing in the U.S., Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. LINK

37. Kar, T.*, Hascakir, B., Effect of Solvent Type on Emulsion Formation in Steam and Solvent-Steam Flooding Processes for Heavy Oil Recovery, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2021, Volume 611, pages 125783. LINK


36. Seng, L.Y.**, Al-Shaikh, M.*,  Hascakir, B., Intermolecular Interaction between Heavy Crude Oils and Surfactants during Surfactant-Steam Flooding Process, ACS Omega, 2020, 5, 27383-27392. LINK

35. Bealessio, B.A.*, Blánquez Alonso, N. A.*, Mendes, N. J.*, Sande, A. V.*,  Hascakir, B., A Review of Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) Methods Applied in Kazakhstan, Petroleum, 2020, Article in Press. LINK

34. Ismail, N.*, Hascakir, B., Impact of Asphaltenes and Clay Interaction on In-Situ Combustion Performance, Fuel, 2020, Volume 268-15, 117358. LINK

33. Zhang, L.*, Tice, M. ƚ, Hascakir, B., A Laboratory Study of the Impact of Re-Injecting Flowback Fluids on Formation Damage in the Marcellus Shale, SPE Journal, 2020, Volume 25-02, SPE-195336-PA. LINK


32. Morte, M.*, Hascakir, B., Characterization of complex permittivity for consolidated core samples by utilization of mixing rules, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering,  2019, Volume 181, 106178. Q1, IF: 1.655, SJR: 4902, H: 159. LINK

31. Morte, M.*, Dean, J.ǂ, Kitajima, H.ƚ, Hascakir, B., Increasing the Penetration Depth of Microwave Radiation Using Acoustic Stress to Trigger Piezoelectricity, Energy & Fuels,  2019, 33, 6327-6334. IF: 2.835, SJR: 2353, H: 123. LINK


30. Hascakir, B., Editorial: Introduction to Thermal Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) special issue, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, SI:Thermal EOR, 171 (2018) 1292-1293. Q1, IF: 1.655, SJR: 4902, H: 61. LINK

29. Banerjee, S.*, Hascakir, B., Flow Control Devices in SAGD Completion Design: Enhanced Heavy Oil/ Bitumen Recovery through Improved Thermal Efficiency, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, SI:Thermal EOR,  Volume 169October 2018, Pages 297-308. Q1, IF: 1.655, SJR: 4902, H: 61. LINK

28. Ismail, N.*, Seber, E.**, Hascakir, B., Water and Aromatics Fraction Interaction at Elevated Temperature and Their Impact on Reaction Kinetics of In-situ Combustion, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, SI:Thermal EOR, Volume 169, October 2018, Pages 24-32. Q1, IF: 1.655, SJR: 4902, H: 61. LINK

27. Prakoso, A.*, Punase, A.*, Rogel, E.ǂOvalles, C.ǂ, Hascakir, B., Effect of Asphaltene Characteristics on Its Solubility and Overall Stability, Energy & Fuels,  2018, 32 (6), pp 6482–6487. Q1, IF: 1.655, SJR: 4902, H: 61.Q1, IF: 2.835, SJR: 2353, H: 123. LINK


26. Kartal O. E.ƚ, Akin S.ƚ, Hascakir, B., Karaca H.ƚ, Liquefaction of Nigde-Ulukisla Oil Shale: The Effects of Process Parameters on the Conversion of Liquefaction Products, Oil Shale, 34-4 (2017), 336-353. Q2, SJR: 9242, H: 22. LINK

25. Banerjee, S.*, Hascakir, B., Design of Flow Control Devices in Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage (SAGD) Completion, Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology, Just Accepted. Q2, IF: 1.099, SJR: 11022, H: 9. LINK


24. Banerjee, S.*, Abdulsattar, Z.R.*, Agim, K.*, Lane, R.H. ƚ, Hascakir, B., Adsorption Mechanism of the Water-Based Fracturing Fluids on Shale Surface, Petroleum, 3 (2017) 384-390. LINK

23. Hascakir, B., Editorial: Introduction to Thermal Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) special issue, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, SI:Thermal EOR, 154 (2017) 438-441. Q1, IF: 1.655, SJR: 4902, H: 61. LINK

22. Aleksandrov, D.*, Kudryavtsev, P.*, Hascakir, B., Variations in In-Situ Combustion Performance due to Fracture Orientation, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, SI:Thermal EOR, 154 (2017) 488-494. Q1, IF: 1.655, SJR: 4902, H: 61. LINK

21. Kar, T.*, Hascakir, B., In-Situ Kerogen Extraction via Combustion and Pyrolysis, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, SI:Thermal EOR, 154 (2017) 502-512. Q1, IF: 1.655, SJR: 4902, H: 61. LINK

20. Prakoso, A.*, Punase, A.*, Hascakir, B., A Mechanistic Understanding of Asphaltene Precipitation from Varying Saturate Concentration Perspective, SPE Production & Operation, 32, 01, 86-98 (2017), SPE-177280-PA. Q1, IF0.818, SJR: 5341, H: 31. LINK


19. Ali, M.*, Hascakir, B., Water-Rock Interaction for Eagle Ford, Marcellus, Green River, and Barnett Shale Samples and Implications for Hydraulic Fracturing Fluid Engineering, SPE Journal, 22, 01, 162-171, SPE-177304-PA. Q1, IF: 1.442, SJR: 4244, H: 62. LINK

18. Coelho, R.S.C.*, Ovalles, C.ǂ, Benson, I.P. ǂ, Hascakir, B., Clay-Asphaltene Interactions during Hybrid Solvent-Steam Injection Into Bitumen Reservoirs, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2017, 150, 203-207. Q1, IF: 1.655, SJR: 4902, H: 61. LINK

17. Punase, A.*, Hascakir, B., Stability Determination of Asphaltenes through Dielectric Constant Measurements of Polar Oil Fractions, Energy and Fuels, 2017, 31 (1), 65-77. Q1, IF: 2.835, SJR: 2353, H: 123. LINK 


16. Kar, T.*, Stape, P.*, Mukhametshina, A.*, Hascakir, B., Effect of Solvent Type on Water-in-Oil Emulsion Formation for Steam Flooding and Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage, Canadian Heavy Oil Association (CHOA) Journal, October 2016 Edition, 13-19, 2016. LINK Invited


15. Morte, M.*, Hascakir, B., Estimation of pseudo-relative permeability curves through an analytical approach for Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage (SAGD) and solvent aided-steam assisted gravity drainage, Journal of Unconventional Oil and Gas Resources, Volume 16, 45-52, 2016. Q1, IF: 1.692, SJR: 3874, H: 6. LINK


14. Hascakir, B., How to select the right solvent for solvent-aided steam injection processes, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Volume 146, 746-751, 2016. Q1, IF: 1.655, SJR: 4902, H: 61.  LINK 

13. Mukhametshina, A.*, Kar, T.*, Hascakir, B., Bitumen Extraction by Expanding Solvent-Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage (ES-SAGD) with Asphaltene Solvents and Non-Solvents, SPE Journal, Volume 21, Issue 02, 380-392, 2016, SPE-170013-PA. Q1, IF: 1.442, SJR: 4244, H: 62. LINK

12. Kar, T.*, Ovalles, C. ǂ, Rogel, E. ǂ, Vien, J. ǂ, Hascakir, B., The Residual Oil Saturation Determination for Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage (SAGD) and Solvent-SAGD, Fuel, 2016, 172, 187-195. Q1, IF: 3.611, SJR: 1562, H: 137. LINK


11. Kar, T.*, Mukhametshina, A.*, Unal, Y.*, Hascakir B., The Effect of Clay Type on Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage Performance, SPE Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology, 2015, 54(6), 412-423, SPE-173795-PA. Q1, IF: 0.744, SJR: 5288, H: 37. LINK

10. Kar, T.*, Hascakir, B., The Role of Resins, Asphaltenes, and Water in Water-Oil Emulsion Breaking with Microwave Heating,  Energy and Fuels, 2015, 29, 3684-3690, Q1, IF: 2.835, SJR: 2353, H: 123.  LINK

9. Aleksandrov, D.*, Hascakir, B., Laboratory Screening Tests on the Effect of Initial Oil Saturation for the Dynamic Control of In-Situ Combustion, Fuel Processing Technology, Volume 130, 224-234, February 2015. Q1, IF: 3.847, SJR: 2108, H: 98. LINK


8. Hascakir, B., Ross, C., Castanier, L. Kovscek, A. ƚ, Fuel Formation and Conversion during In-Situ Combustion of Crude Oil, SPE Journal, Volume 18, Issue 6, 1217-1228, 2013, SPE 146867-PA. Q1, IF: 0.744, SJR: 5288, H: 37. LINK


Before Texas A&M


7. Hascakir, B., Glatz, G., Castanier, L. Kovscek, A. ƚ, In-Situ Combustion Dynamics Visualized with X-Ray Computed Tomography, SPE Journal, Volume 16, Issue 3, 524-536, 2011, SPE 135186-PA. Q1, IF: 0.744, SJR: 5288, H: 37. LINK

6. Cinar, M., Hascakir, B., Castanier, L. Kovscek, A. ƚ, Predictability of Crude Oil In-Situ Combustion by the Isoconversional Kinetic Approach, SPE Journal, Volume 16, Issue 3, 537-547, 2011, SPE 148088-PA. Q1, IF: 0.744, SJR: 5288, H: 37. LINK


5. Hascakir, B., Babadagli, T. ƚ,  Akin, S. ƚ, Field Scale Analysis of Heavy-Oil Recovery by Electrical Heating, SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering, 13-1, 131-142, 2010, SPE 117669-PA. Q1, IF: 1.767, SJR: 3589, H: 47. LINK

4. Hascakir, B., Akin, S. ƚ, Recovery of Turkish Oil Shales by Electromagnetic Heating and Determination of the Dielectric Properties of Oil Shales by an Analytical Method, Energy and Fuels, 24(1), 503-509, 2010. Q1, IF: 2.835, SJR: 2353, H: 123.  LINK


3. Hascakir, B., Acar, C., Akin, S. ƚ, Microwave Assisted Heavy Oil Production: An Experimental Approach, Energy and Fuels, 23(12), 6033-6039, 2009. Q1, IF: 2.835, SJR: 2353, H: 123.  LINK


2. Hascakir, B., Babadagli, T. ƚ, Akin, S. ƚ, Experimental and Numerical Simulation of Oil Recovery from Oil Shales by Electrical Heating, Energy and Fuels, 22 (6), 3976–3985, 2008. Q1, IF: 2.835, SJR: 2353, H: 123.  LINK

1. Hascakir, B., Dolgen, D. ƚ, Utilization of Clay Minerals in Wastewater Treatment: Organic Matter Removal with Kaolinite, Ekoloji, 66 (6), 47-54, 2008 (Turkish). Q3, IF: 0.708, SJR: 11677, H: 11. LINK



1. Hascakir, B., Punase, A.*, Method and system for stability determination of asphaltenes utilizing dielectric constant measurements, US20190113473A, US LINK

2. Hascakir, B., Punase, A.*, Method and system for stability determination of asphaltenes utilizing dielectric constant measurements, US20180024084A1, EP, CA, US, WO LINK

Conferences-Workshops-Seminars (118 Conference Proceedings; 82 of them are full SPE proceedings)

Academic authorship: The most active contributor is the first author and the Principal Investigator is the last author

*MS or PhD Students, **Undergraduate Students, ƚ Faculty Collaborators, ǂ Industry Collaborators

SJR: SCImago Journal Rank

Paper links are activated on the first day of the conferences.


118. Hajiyev, M. *; Karabayanova, L. *; Orozco, E*; Franks, J.; Benson, T., Bauman, J.; Lane, C. Hascakir, B., Feasibility and Efficiency of Dry and Wet In-situ Combustion in Low-Viscosity Oil Reservoirs, SPE Western Regional Meeting, 27 April-1 May 2025, Garden Grove, California, USA, SPE-224168-MS. LINK.

117 Hernandez Madero, M. I. *; Hascakir, B., Atmospheric Carbon Capture and Storage Using Ultramafic Rocks: A Novel Approach To Integrated CO2 Sequestration, SPE International Conference on Oilfield Chemistry, 9-10 April 2025 Galveston, Texas, USA, SPE-224321-MS. LINK.

116 Karabayanova, L. *; Hajiyev, M. *; Ye, H.*;  Orozco, E*; Franks, J.; Benson, T., Bauman, J.; Lane, C.  Hascakir, B., EMachine Learning-Enhanced In-Situ Combustion: Correcting Carbonate-Derived CO2 Emissions and Evaluating Mineral-Based Carbon Capture, SPE International Conference on Oilfield Chemistry, 9-10 April 2025 Galveston, Texas, USA, SPE-224322-MS. LINK.


115.  Karabayanova, L. *; Hajiyev, M. *; Hernandez Madero, M. I. *; Sutherland, B. E. **; Harris, J. B. **; Qureshi, I. **; Hascakir, B., Accelerated Carbon Capture and Storage via Mineral Carbonation: A Laboratory-Scale Investigation, SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition (ATCE 2024), 23-25 September 2024, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, SPE-220815-MS. LINK.



114. Mathews, T.*, Hascakir B., Use of Evaporative Cooling for The Treatment of High Salinity Oil Field Waters, SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition (ATCE 2023), 16 - 18 October 2023, San Antonio, Texas, USA, SPE-214932-MS. LINK


113. Mathews, T.*, Azzu, P.*, Hascakir B., Effective Extraction of a Heavy Oil Resource by an Environmentally Friendly Green Solvent: Limonene. SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition (ATCE 2022), 3 - 5 October 2022, Houston, Texas, USA, SPE-210138-MS LINK

112. Mathews, T.*, Hascakir B., Reinjection of Produced Water with High Salinity After Applying a Novel Treatment Method, SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition (ATCE 2022), 3 - 5 October 2022, Houston, Texas, USA, SPE-210206-MS. LINK

111. Micheletti, G.*, Roberts, A.**, Kalyondo, J.**, Habashi, P. **, Alhafidh, H. **, Hascakir B., Onshore and Offshore EOR Applications in Brazil: A Review Study, SPE Annual Technical Conference, and Exhibition (ATCE 2022), 3 - 5 October 2022, Houston, Texas, USA, SPE-210009-MS. LINK

110. Mathews, T.*, Cortes, J. A.*, Hascakir B., Evaluation of Environmentally Friendly Green Solvents For The Recovery Of Heavy Oils, SPE Virtual Improved Oil Recovery (IOR 2022), 25 - 29 April 2022, Virtual, SPE-209433-MS. LINK


109. Barooah, A.*, Khan M.S. *, Sleiti, A.K., Abdelrazeq, M., Rahman, M.A., Hassan, I., Hasan A. H., Hascakir B., Experimental Investigation of Foam drilling fluid using Visualization Technique, QU Forum Proceedings, Qatar University Annual Research Forum & Exhibition, QUARFE 2021, Theme 1: Energy and Environment. LINK

108. Barooah, A.*, Khan M.S. *, Rahman, M.A., Hasan A. H., Manikonda, K., Abdelrazeq, M., Sleiti, M. K., El-Naas, M., Hascakir B., Investigation of Gas-Liquid Flow Using Electrical Resistance Tomography and Wavelet Analysis Techniques for Early Kick Detection, International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2021/6/21 LINK

107. Kaishentayev, D.*, Hascakir B., Reuse of Produced Waters Containing High Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) for Fracturing, SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition (ATCE 2020), 21-23 September 2021, Dubai, UAE, SPE-206371-MS. LINK

106. Mathews, T.*, Cortes, J. A.*, Hascakir B., Bitumen Recovery by Steam And Solvent Injection Using A Novel Solvent, SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition (ATCE 2020), 21-23 September 2021, Dubai, UAE, SPE-206325-MS. LINK

105. Barooah, A.*, Khan M.S. *, Rahman, M. A. ƚ, Hassan, I. ƚ, Hasan, R. ƚ, Maheshwari, P. ƚ, Hascakir B., Cutting transport in Horizontal/Deviated annulus using pressure response data for two-phase slurry flow, OMAE, 40th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore & Arctic Engineering, Virtual Conference: June 21 – June 30, 2021. (Peer reviewed)


104. Morte, M.*, Alhafidh, H.M.**, Hascakir, B., Sensitivity of Dielectric Properties to Varying Reservoir Properties, SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition (ATCE 2018), 11-14 October 2020, Houston, Texas, USA, SPE-201371-MS . LINK

103. Seng, L.Y.**, Hascakir, B., Role of Intermolecular Forces on Surfactant-steam Performance Into Heavy Oil Reservoirs, SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition (ATCE 2018), 11-14 October 2020, Houston, Texas, USA, SPE-201513-MS . LINK


102. Pope, C.**, Ismail, N.*, Hascakir, B., Catalytic Impact Of Clays During In-situ Combustion, SPE Improved Oil Recovery Conference, 18-22 April 2020, Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA, SPE-200381-MS. LINK


101. Zhang, L.*, Hascakir, B., A systematic study of water-rock reactions to reveal the relationship between total dissolved solids and colloidal system parameters, SPE Canada Unconventional Resources Conference, 18-19 March 2020, Calgary, Alberta, CANADA, SPE-200013-MS . LINK


100. Seng, L.Y.**, Hascakir, B., Surfactant flooding performance for a Canadian bitumen recovery: Effect of polarity, SPE Canada Heavy Oil Conference, 18-19 March 2020, Calgary, Alberta, CANADA, SPE-199915-MS . LINK

99. Pope, C.**, Ismail, N.*, Hascakir, B., Impact of Carbonates on Reaction Kinetics of a Bitumen Combustion, SPE Canada Heavy Oil Conference, 18-19 March 2020, Calgary, Alberta, CANADA, SPE-199959-MS . LINK

98. Morte, M.*, Alhafidh, H.M.**, Hascakir, B., Interpretation of Electromagnetic Wave Penetration and Absorption for Different Reservoir Mineralogy (Quartz-rich, Limestone-rich and Clay-rich) and at High and Low Water Saturation Values for a Bitumen Reservoir, SPE Canada Heavy Oil Conference, 18-19 March 2020, Calgary, Alberta, CANADA, SPE-199941-MS . LINK


97. Alshaikh, M.*, Hascakir, B., Emulsion Characterization Improvements for Surfactant-Steam Processes in Heavy Oil Reservoirs, SPE Western Regional Meeting, 23-26 April 2019, San Jose, California, USA, SPE-195254-MS . LINK

96. Zhang, L.*, Tice, M., Hascakir, B., The Impact of Re-injection of Flowback Fluid on Formation Damage of Marcellus Shale, SPE Western Regional Meeting, 23-26 April 2019, San Jose, California, USA, SPE-195336-MS . LINK

95. Liao, H.*, Morte, M.*, Hascakir, B., Determination of the Effectiveness of Microwave Heating for Heavy Oil Extraction, SPE Western Regional Meeting, 23-26 April 2019, San Jose, California, USA, SPE-195263-MS . LINK

94. Ng, A.*, Vishnumolakala, N.*,  Hascakir, B., The Use of Asphaltenes Precipitants and Environmentally Friendly Solvents During Solvent-Steam Processes, SPE Western Regional Meeting, 23-26 April 2019, San Jose, California, USA, SPE-195316-MS . LINK


93. Lancon, O.*, Hascakir, B., Contribution Of Oil And Gas Production In The US To The Climate Change, SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition (ATCE 2018), 24-26 September 2018, Dallas, Texas, USA, SPE-191482-MS . LINK

92. Ismail, N.*, Hascakir, B., Kinetics Analysis Validation for In-Situ Combustion by Coupling Experimental Data with Analytical and Numerical Methods, SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition (ATCE 2018), 24-26 September 2018, Dallas, Texas, USA, SPE-191745-MS . LINK


91. Hascakir, B., Noynaert, S.ƚ, Prentice, D.ǂ Heavy Oil Extraction in Texas with a Novel Downhole Steam Generation Method: A Field-Scale Experiment, SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition (ATCE 2018), 24-26 September 2018, Dallas, Texas, USA, SPE-191392-MS . LINK

90. Liao, H.*, Morte, M.*, Huff, G.ƚ, Hascakir, B., Controlling Microwave Penetration and Absorption in Heavy Oil Reservoirs, SPE Western Regional Meeting, 22-27 April 2018, Garden Grove, California, USA, SPE-190089-MS. LINK

89. Al Atwah, I.*, Alshaikh, M.*, Sweet, S.T. ƚ, Knap, A. ƚ, Hascakir, B., Extension of Existing Screening Criteria Tables for Thermal Enhanced Oil Recovery Methods through Compositional Analyses of Heavy Oils, SPE Western Regional Meeting, 22-27 April 2018, Garden Grove, California, USA, SPE-190026-MS. LINK

88. Ng, A.**, Hascakir, B., Asphaltenes Contribution in Emulsion Formation during Solvent-Steam Processes, SPE Western Regional Meeting, 22-27 April 2018, Garden Grove, California, USA,  SPE-190057-MS. LINK

87. Ismail, N.B.*, Seber, E.**, Hascakir, B.,  Role of Aromatics Fraction of Crude Oil on In-Situ Combustion Performance, SPE Improved Oil Recovery Conference (IOR 2018), 14-18 April 2018, Tulsa, OK, USA. SPE-190307-MS. LINK 

86. Morte, M.*, Huff, G. ƚ, Hascakir, B., Factors Affecting Electromagnetic Wave Penetration in Heavy Oil Reservoirs, SPE Canada Heavy Oil Technical Conference, 13-14 March 2018, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. SPE-189746-MS. LINK

85. Alshaikh, M.*, Huff, G. ƚ, Hascakir, B., An Innovative Dielectric Constant Measurement Method to Determine the Ideal Surfactant Candidate to Enhance Heavy Oil Recovery, SPE Canada Heavy Oil Technical Conference, 13-14 March 2018, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. SPE-189752-MS. LINK

84. Ng, A.**, Seber, E.**, Ovalles, C.ǂ, Benson, I.P.ǂ, Hascakir, B., The Use of Asphaltenes Precipitants and Environmentally Friendly Solvents during Solvent-Steam Processes, SPE/EAGE Tar Mats & Heavy Oil Workshop: Fluid Characterization and Development/Operational Challenges, 30-31 Jan 2018, Dubai, UAE. LINK

83. Hascakir, B., Noynaert, S. ƚ, Prentice, J.ǂ, Heavy oil extraction in Texas with a Novel Downhole Steam Generation Method: A Field-Scale Experiment, SPE/EAGE Tar Mats & Heavy Oil Workshop: Fluid Characterization and Development/Operational Challenges, 30-31 Jan 2018, Dubai, UAE. LINK


82. Ismail, N.B.*, Hascakir, B.,  Increased Asphaltenes Surface Aides Fuel Formation with the Presence of Clays during In-situ Combustion, SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition (ATCE 2017), 9-11 October 2017, San Antonio, Texas, USA, SPE-187362-MS. Out of 2,521 abstractsLINK

81. Zhang, L.*, Tice, M.ƚ, Marcantonio, F.ƚ, Hascakir, B., Solid and Soluble Products of Engineered Water/Rock Interactions in Eagle Ford Group Chemofacies, SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition (ATCE 2017), 9-11 October 2017, San Antonio, Texas, USA, SPE-187296-MS. Out of 2,521 abstracts. LINK 

80. Hascakir, B., A New Approach to Determine Asphaltenes Stability, SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition (ATCE 2017), 9-11 October 2017, San Antonio, Texas, USA, SPE-187278-MS. Out of 2,521 abstracts. LINK 

79. Pettengell, K.*, Hascakir, B., Horizontal Water Injection: From Initiation to Evaluation, SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition (ATCE 2017), 9-11 October 2017, San Antonio, Texas, USA, SPE-187197-MS. Out of 2,521 abstracts. LINK 

78. Hascakir, B., Enhancing the Proper Management and Treatment of Produced Water for Reinjection Purposes, Unconventional Completions, 18-20 September 2017, Houston, Texas, USA. Invited LINK 

77. Kar, T. *, Hascakir, B., Impact of Clay Type on SAGD Performance Part I: Microscopic Scale Analysis of Clay-SARA Interactions in Produced Oil, SPE Latin American and Caribbean Petroleum Engineering Conference, 17-19 May 2017, Buenos Aires, Argentina, SPE-185533-MS. LINK

76. Kar, T. *, Hascakir, B., Impact of Clay Type on SAGD Performance Part II: Microscopic Scale Analysis of Clay-SARA Interactions in Spent Rock, SPE Latin American and Caribbean Petroleum Engineering Conference, 17-19 May 2017, Buenos Aires, Argentina, SPE-185547-MS. LINK

75. Punase, A.*, Demir, A.B.*, Bilgesu, H.ƚ, Hascakir, B., Inorganic Content of Asphaltenes Impacts Asphaltenes Stability, SPE Latin American and Caribbean Petroleum Engineering Conference, 17-19 May 2017, Buenos Aires, Argentina, SPE-185543-MS. LINK

74. Hascakir, B., Carbon Dioxide Storage in High Asphaltene Content Oil Reservoirs, SPE Latin American and Caribbean Petroleum Engineering Conference, 17-19 May 2017, Buenos Aires, Argentina, SPE-185559-MS. LINK.

73. Kar, T.*, Nezhad, P. B.**, Ng, A.Z.Y.**, Ovalles, C.ǂ, Benson, I.P. ǂ, Hascakir, B., Mobilization of Trapped Residual Oil via Secondary SAGD with Propane, SPE Western Regional Meeting, 23-27 April 2017, Bakersfield, California, USA, SPE-185684-MS. LINK

72. Banerjee, S.*, Hascakir, B., Flow Control Devices in SAGD Completion Design: Enhanced Heavy Oil/Bitumen Recovery through Improved Thermal Efficiencies, SPE Western Regional Meeting, 23-27 April 2017, Bakersfield, California, USA, SPE-185703-MS. LINK

71. Hascakir, B., Carbon dioxide storage in heavy oil reservoirs, ACS 253rd National Meeting, April 2-6, 2017, San Francisco, California, USA, PAPER ID: 2657158. LINK

70. Kar, T.*, Ovalles, C.ǂ, Benson, I.P. ǂ, Hascakir, B., Propane-Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage (propane-SAGD) as a follow-up process to SAGD, ACS 253rd National Meeting, April 2-6, 2017, San Francisco, California, USA, PAPER ID: 2657699. LINK

69. Hascakir, B., Reservoir rock-asphaltenes interaction impacts asphaltenes stability, ACS 253rd National Meeting, April 2-6, 2017, San Francisco, California, USA, PAPER ID: 2657777. LINK

68. Pettengell, K.*, Hascakir, B., Horizontal Water Injection: From Initiation to Evaluation, New Zealand Petroleum Conference 2017, 21-23 March, New Plymouth, NEW ZEALAND. LINK


67. Kar, T. *, Hascakir, B., The Interaction of Asphaltenes with Solvents, Water, and Clays during Bitumen Extraction through Solvent-Steam Injection, SPE International Heavy Oil Conference & Exhibition, 6-8 December 2016, Mangaf, Kuwait, SPE-184081-MS. LINK

66. Ali, M. *, Banerjee, S.*, Hascakir, B., The Environmental Aspect of Produced Water Management for the Oil Field Waters Originated Thermal EOR, SPE International Heavy Oil Conference & Exhibition, 6-8 December 2016, Mangaf, Kuwait, SPE-184139-MS. LINK

65. Prakoso, A.A.*, Punase, A.*, Hascakir, B., Pore Scale Representation of Near Wellbore Damage due to Asphaltene Deposition: Effect of Sand Grain Size and the Amount of Clay in Reservoir Rock, SPE International Heavy Oil Conference & Exhibition, 6-8 December 2016, Mangaf, Kuwait, SPE-184099-MS. LINK

64. Banerjee, S.*, Hascakir, B., Field Use of Tubing-Deployed Flow Control Devices to Improve the Economics and Environmental Costs of Albertan SAGD Operations, The Seventh Annual Berg-Hughes Symposium, 10-11 October 2016, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, USA  (POSTER)

63. Hascakir, B., In-Situ Combustion for Fracturing, Thermal EOR International Workshop, “Thermal Methods for Enhanced Oil Recovery: Laboratory Testing, Simulation and Oilfields Applications”, 28 June-1 July 2016, Kazan, Russia. LINK

62. Stape, P.*, Hascakir, B., Wettability Alteration during Solvent Assisted-Steam Flooding with Asphaltenes Insoluble Solvents, SPE Latin America and Caribbean Heavy and Extra Heavy Oil Conference, 19-20 October 2016, Lima, PERU, SPE-181148-MS. LINK

61. Demir, A.B. *, Bilgesu, H. ƚ, Hascakir, B., The Effect of Brine Concentration on Asphaltene Stability, SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition (ATCE), 26-28 September 2016 in Dubai, UAE, SPE-181706-MS. LINK

60. Hascakir, B., The Impact of Asphaltenes on Thermal Enhanced Oil Recovery Performance, Thermal Methods for Enhanced Oil Recovery: Laboratory Testing Simulation and Oilfields Applications, 28 June- 1 July 2016, Kazan-Republic of Tataristan, RUSSIA. Invited

59. Ismail, N.B.*, Klock, K. **, Hascakir, B., In-situ Combustion Experiences in Heavy Oil Carbonates, SPE Canada Heavy Oil Technical Conference, 7-9 June 2016, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, SPE-180724-MS. LINK

58. Coelho, R.S.C.*, Ovalles, C.ǂ, Benson, I.P. ǂ, Hascakir, B., Clay-Asphaltene Interactions during Hybrid Solvent-Steam Injection Into Bitumen Reservoirs, SPE Canada Heavy Oil Technical Conference, 7-9 June 2016, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, SPE-180723-MS. LINK

57. Hascakir, B., Effective Extraction of High Viscosity and Low API Gravity Hydrocarbon Resources With Solvent-Steam Processes, SPE Western Regional Meeting, 23-26 May 2016, Anchorage, Alaska, USA, SPE-180424-MS. LINK

56. Demir, A. B. *, Bilgesu, H.I. ƚ, Hascakir, B., The Effect of Clay and Salinity on Asphaltene Stability, SPE Western Regional Meeting, 23-26 May 2016, Anchorage, Alaska, USA, SPE-180425-MS. LINK

55. Punase, A.*, Prakoso, A.A.*, Hascakir, B.,  The Polarity of Crude Oil Fractions Affects the Asphaltenes Stability, SPE Western Regional Meeting, 23-26 May 2016, Anchorage, Alaska, USA, SPE-180423-MS. LINK

54. Prakoso, A.A.*, Punase, A.*, Klock, K.**, Rogel, E. ǂ, Ovalles, C. ǂ, Hascakir, B., Determination of the Stability of Asphaltenes through Physicochemical Characterization of Asphaltenes, SPE Western Regional Meeting, 23-26 May 2016, Anchorage, Alaska, USA, SPE-180422-MS. LINK

53. Punase, A.*, Hascakir, B., The Role of Deasphalted Oil in the Stability of Asphaltenes, 2016 AlChE Spring Meeting & 12th Global Congress on Process Safety, 4th International Conference on Upstream Engineering and Flow Assurance, 10-14 April 2016. Houston, Texas, USA

52. Stape, P.*, Ovalles, C.ǂ, Hascakir, B., Pore Scale Displacement Mechanism of Bitumen Extraction with High Molecular Weight Hydrocarbon Solvents, 20th SPE Improved Oil Recovery Conference, 9-13 April 2016, Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA, SPE-179608-MS. LINK

51. Morte, M.*, Hascakir, B., Relative Permeability Estimation in Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage (SAGD) Using a Fractional Flow Model, 20th SPE Improved Oil Recovery Conference, 9-13 April 2016, Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA, SPE-179532-MS. LINK

50. Kar, T.*, Hascakir, B., Effective Extraction of Green River Oil Shale via Combustion, 20th SPE Improved Oil Recovery Conference, 9-13 April 2016, Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA, SPE-179610-MS. LINK


49. Banerjee, S.*, Hascakir, B., Management of Steam Flashing in SAGD Completion Designs via the Implementation of Flow Control Devices, SPE Thermal Well Integrity and Design Symposium, 23-25 November 2015, Banff, Alberta, Canada, SPE-178459-MS. LINK

48. Coelho, R.S.C.*, Hascakir, B., The Pore Scale Description of Carbon Dioxide Storage into High Asphaltene Content Reservoirs, Carbon Management Technology Conference, Sugar Land, Texas, USA, 17-19 November 2015, CMTC 439523. LINK

47. Coelho, R.S.C.*, Barrufet, M.ƚ, Hascakir, B., Effect of Impurities in Carbon Dioxide Stream on Phase Behavior for Geological Storage of Carbon Dioxide in Low API Gravity Oil Reservoirs, Carbon Management Technology Conference, Sugar Land, Texas, USA, 17-19 November 2015, CMTC 439524. LINK

46. Aleksandrov, D.*, Kudryavtsev, P.*, Hascakir, B., Impact of Fracture Orientation on In-Situ Combustion Performance, SPE Latin American and Caribbean Petroleum Engineering Conference, 18-20 November 2015, Quito, ECUADOR, SPE-177063-MS. LINK

45. Prakoso, A.**, Punase, A.*, Hascakir, B., A Mechanistic Understanding of Asphaltene Precipitation from Varying Saturate Concentration Perspective, SPE Latin American and Caribbean Petroleum Engineering Conference, 18-20 November 2015, Quito, ECUADOR, SPE-177280-MS. LINK

44. Kozlowski M.L.**, Punase, A.*, Nasr-El-Din, H. ƚ, Hascakir, B., The Catalytic Effect of Clay on In-Situ Combustion Performance, SPE Latin American and Caribbean Petroleum Engineering Conference, 18-20 November 2015, Quito, ECUADOR, SPE-177166-MS. LINK

43. Klock, K.**, Hascakir, B., Simplified Reaction Kinetics Model for In-Situ Combustion, SPE Latin American and Caribbean Petroleum Engineering Conference, 18-20 November 2015, Quito, ECUADOR, SPE-177134-MS. LINK

42. Guven, S.*, Kar, T.*, Punase, A.*, Hascakir, B., Investigation of Chemical Physical Properties of Oil Shales with Spectral and Thermal Methods, The Sixth Annual Berg-Hughes Symposium, 16 October 2015, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, USA.  (POSTER)

41. Kar, T.*, Kozlowski M.L.**, Hascakir, B., Characterization of Kerogen for Green River Oil Shale, The Sixth Annual Berg-Hughes Symposium, 16 October 2015, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, USA. (POSTER)

40. Hascakir, B., Real-Time Tracking of Fracture Propagation during Air Injection as an Alternative Fracturing Fluid, SPE Eastern Regional Meeting, 13-15 October 2015, Morgantown, West Virginia, USA, SPE-177303-MS.  LINK

39. Ali, M.*, Hascakir, B., Water-Rock Interaction for Eagle Ford, Marcellus, Green River, and Barnett Shale Samples, SPE Eastern Regional Meeting, 13-15 October 2015, Morgantown, West Virginia, USA, SPE-177304-MS. LINK

38. Kozlowski, M.**, Kar, T. *, Hascakir, B., Ex-situ Extraction of Green River Oil Shale by Combustion, Western States Section of the Combustion Institute Fall Meeting, Provo, Utah, USA. October 5-6, 2015. 134IE-0051

37. Klock, K.**, Prakoso, A.*, Punase, A.*, Hascakir, B., The combustion behavior of various hydrocarbons with complex molecular structures, Western States Section of the Combustion Institute Fall Meeting, Provo, Utah, USA. October 5-6, 2015. 134CK-0042

36. Hascakir, B., Description of In-situ Oil Upgrading Mechanism for In-situ Combustion Based on a Reductionist Chemical Model, SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition (ATCE), 28-30 September 2015 in Houston, Texas, USA, SPE 175086-MS. LINK

35. Hascakir, B., Evaluation of Thermal Enhanced Oil Recovery Methods, SPE Heavy Oil Workshop: Lifting Recovery to the Next Level, 22-23 September 2015 in Budapest, Hungary. LINK. Invited

34. Stape, P.*, Hascakir, B., The Performance Evaluation of Solvent-Steam Processes for Bitumen Extraction, International Science and Practice Conference “Specific of Survey and Exploration of Alternative Hydrocarbon Fields”, 2-3 September, 2015, Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan, Russia. Invited

33. Kar, T.*, Yeoh, J.**, Ovalles, C. ǂ, Rogel, E. ǂ, Benson, I.P. ǂ, Hascakir, B., The Impact of Asphaltene Precipitation and Clay Migration on Wettability Alteration for Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage (SAGD) and Expanding Solvent SAGD (ES-SAGD), 2015 SPE Heavy Oil Conference, 9-11 June, 2015, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, SPE-174439-MS. LINK

32. Guven, S.*, Akin, S. ƚ, Hascakir, B., Spectral and Thermal Analysis Explains the Mechanisms of Oil Shale Recovery with Microwave Heating, 20th International Petroleum and Natural Gas Congress and Exhibition of Turkey, 27-29 May 2015, Ankara, Turkey. LINK

31. Hascakir, B., Soot Particle and Ash Analysis for Combustion, Combustion Institute 9th U.S. National Combustion Meeting, May 17-20 2015, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, 114DI-0066

30. Unal, Y.*, Kar, T. *, Mukhametshina, A.*, Hascakir B., The Impact of Clay Type on the Asphaltene Deposition during Bitumen Extraction with Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage, SPE International Symposium on Oil Field Chemistry, 13-15 April 2015, The Woodlands, Texas, USA, SPE-173795-MS. LINK

29. Abdulsattar, Z.R.*, Agim, K.*, Lane, R.H. ƚ, Hascakir, B., Physicochemical Interactions of Shale with Injected Water-Based Fluids, SPE International Symposium on Oil Field Chemistry, 13-15 April 2015, The Woodlands, Texas, USA, SPE-173727-MS. LINK

28. Ali, M.*, Hascakir, B., A Critical Review of Emerging Challenges for the Oil Field Waters in United States, SPE E&P Health, Safety, Security, and Environmental Conference-Americas, 16-18 March 2015, Denver, Colorado, USA, SPE 173529-MS. LINK

27. Guven, S.*, Akin S. ƚ, Hascakir, B., Comprehensive Spectral and Thermal Characterization of Oil Shales, SPE Middle East Unconventional Resources Conference and Exhibition, 26-28 January 2015, Muscat, Oman, SPE-172952-MS. LINK


26. Kar, T.*, Williamson, M.**, Hascakir, B., The Role of Asphaltenes in Emulsions Formation for Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage (SAGD) and Expanding Solvent-SAGD (ES-SAGD), 2014 SPE Heavy and Extra Heavy Oil Conference-Latin America, 24-26 September 2014, Medellin, Colombia, SPE-171076-MS. LINK

25. Hascakir, B., Kovscek A. ƚ, Analysis of In-Situ Combustion Performance in Heterogeneous Media, 2014 SPE Heavy Oil Conference, 10-12 June, 2014, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, SPE 170008-MS. LINK

24. Mukhametshina, A.*, Hascakir, B., Bitumen extraction by expanding solvent-steam assisted gravity drainage (ES-SAGD) with asphaltene solvents and non-solvents,  2014 SPE Heavy Oil Conference, 10-12 June, 2014, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, SPE 170013-MS. LINK

23. Morrow, A.**, Mukhametshina, A.*, Aleksandrov, D.*, Hascakir, B., Environmental Impact of Bitumen Extraction with Thermal Recovery, 2014 SPE Heavy Oil Conference, 10-12 June, 2014, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, SPE 170066-MS. LINK

22. Mukhametshina, A.*, Morrow, A.**, Aleksandrov, D.*, Hascakir, B., Evaluation of Four Thermal Recovery Methods for Bitumen Extraction, 2014 SPE Western North America and Rocky Mountain Joint Regional Meeting, 16-18 April 2014 Denver, CO, USA, SPE 169543-MS. LINK

21. Kudryavtsev, P.*, Hascakir, B., Towards Dynamic Control of In-situ Combustion: Effect of Initial Oil and Water Saturations, 2014 SPE Western North America and Rocky Mountain Joint Regional Meeting, 16-18 April 2014 Denver, Colorado USA, SPE 169542-MS. LINK

Before Texas A&M


20. Hascakir, B., Ross, C., Castanier, L. Kovscek, A. ƚ, Fuel Formation During In-Situ Combustion of Heavy Oil, SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition (ATCE), 30 October-2 November 2011 in Denver, Colorado, USA, SPE-146867-PP. LINK

19. Glatz, G., Hascakir, B.,  Clemens, T. ǂ, Castanier, L., Kovscek, A. ƚ, Kinetic Cell and Combustion Tube Results for a Central European Crude, SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition (ATCE), 30 October-2 November 2011 in Denver, Colorado, USA, SPE-146089-PP. LINK

18. Hascakir, B., Babadagli, T. ƚ, Akin, S. ƚ, Heavy Oil Recovery from Oil Shales by Electrical Heating, SPE History Matching: Field Experiences and Lessons Learned, Cartagena, Colombia, 29-31 August 2011. Invited


17. Hascakir, B., Castanier, L., Kovscek, A. ƚ, In-Situ Combustion Dynamics Visualized with X-Ray Computed Tomography, SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition (ATCE), Florence, Italy, 20-22 September 2010, SPE-135186-PP. LINK

16. Karaca, H. ƚ, Kartal, O. E. ƚ, Akin, S. ƚ, Hascakir, B., Characterization of Solid and Liquid Hydrocarbons Obtained from Liquefaction of  Nigde-Ulukisla Oil Shales, The 9th National Chemistry Congress, 22-25 June, 2015, Ankara/Turkey. LINK

15. Hascakir, B., Kovscek, A. ƚ, Reservoir Simulation of Cyclic Steam Injection Including the Effects of Temperature Induced Wettability Alteration, 2010 SPE Western Regional Meeting, Anaheim, California, USA, 27-29 May 2010, SPE 132608-MS. LINK


14. Hascakir, B., Acar, C., Demiral, B. ƚ, Akin, S. ƚ, Microwave Assisted Gravity Drainage of Heavy Oils, International Petroleum Technology Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 3–5 December 2008, IPTC-12536-MS. LINK

13. Hascakir, B., Babadagli, T. ƚ, Akin, S. ƚ, Experimental and Numerical Modeling of Heavy-Oil Recovery by Electrical Heating, SPE International Thermal Operations and Heavy Oil Symposium, Calgary, Alberta, CANADA, 21-23 October 2008, SPE-117669. LINK

12. Karaca, H. ƚ, Kartal, O. E. ƚ, Akin, S. ƚ, Hascakir, B., Liquefaction of  Nigde-Ulukisla Oil Shales and the Waste Paper, The 22nd National Chemistry Congress, 6-10 October, 2015, Famagusta/Cyprus


11. Acar, C., Hascakir, B., Demiral, B. ƚ, Akin, S. ƚ, Karaca, H. ƚ, Kartal, O.E. ƚ, Microwave Heating of Heavy Oil Reservoirs: Effect of Wettability, 150 Years of Petroleum Industry: Tradition & Challenges, Bucharest, ROMANIA, October 2007

10. Hascakir, B., Acar, C., Demiral, B. ƚ, Akin, S. ƚ, Karaca, H. ƚ, Kartal, O.E. ƚ, Heavy Oil Recovery from Thin Pay Zones by Microwave Heating, International Petroleum and Natural Gas Congress & Exhibition of Turkey, Ankara, TURKEY, May 2007 (Turkish)


9.  Hascakir, B., Akin S. ƚ, Effect of Metallic Additives on Upgrading Heavy Oil with Microwave Heating, First World Heavy Oil Conference (WHOC), Beijing, CHINA, November 2006

8.  Hascakir, B., Dolgen, D. ƚ, Investigation of Treatment Performance of Kaolinite onto Different Wastewater Types and Treatment Methods, Fourth Mediterranean Clay Meeting, Ankara, TURKEY, September 2006

7.  Hascakir, B., Dolgen, D. ƚ, Evaluation of Treatment Efficiencies of Kaolinite for Various Wastewater Samples, Bridging Clays, Ile d’Oléron, FRANCE, June 2006

6.  Hascakir, B., Hydraulic Potential of Turkey, 3rd Aegean Energy Symposium, Mugla, TURKEY, May 2006 (Turkish)


5.  Hascakir, B., Dolgen, D. ƚ, Chemical Treatment of Wastewaters Originated From Printing Processes of Corrugated Box Industries, 6th National Environmental Engineering Conference, Istanbul, TURKEY, November 2005 (Turkish)

4.  Hascakir, B., Dolgen, D. ƚ, Utilization of Clay Minerals in Wastewater Treatment: Organic Matter Removal with Kaolin (China Clay), 12th National Clay Conference, Van, September 2005 (Turkish)

3.  Hascakir, B., Demiral, B. ƚ, Akin, S. ƚ, Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Oil Shale Production Using Retort Technique, 15th International Petroleum and Natural Gas Congress and Exhibition of Turkey, Ankara, TURKEY, May 2005


2. Dolgen, D. ƚ, Hascakir, B., Akkus, M., Application of Clay Minerals in the Environmental Engineering: Experiments with Domestic Wastewater, Ecology Congress, Bolu, TURKEY, October 2004 (Turkish)

1. Hascakir, B., Dolgen, D. ƚ, Akkus, M., Treatability of Corrugated Paperboard Industry Wastewater by Physicochemical Treatment Methods, 9th Industrial Contamination Congress, Istanbul, TURKEY, June 2004 (Turkish)

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